Wise Words – January 2025 – Can Economics Divert The March To Communism?

Joe Biden has pardoned some very ugly people by the sounds of it.

I believe I read that someone was asked who was the least intelligent person in the US house of parliament that Joe Biden belonged to and the answer was, it was him!

His own boss said that “You can always count on Joe to mess things up”.

Another commentator said that Joe Biden had been on the wrong side of every important issue over at the past 40 years.

And Kamala Harris is worse!

Historically I suppose the progressive left has come to a logical conclusion with their personnel;  the next step is to put forward Caligula as their presidential candidate.

He also pardoned his son for any crimes committed from now back to 2014.

He is openly outrageous and the locals are looking the other way; the progressive left at minimum is looking the other way and also the mainstream media.

In an Irish town: I can’t get a soft drink in a pub that doesn’t have artificial sweeteners and which is also pleasant.

I ordered a tea and the water used to make it is fluoridated.

Long-term given the other poisons in food to stabilise it and make it last (and to use cheaper ingredients), it’s no wonder people get fat and feel lousy long term.

People nowadays know nothing about reality, history, politics, or much outside their own feelings which are formed through left-leaning mass media.

Before any of this started I read that a Palestinian could walk freely around Israel but if a Jew went into Gaza they would be killed.

Rockets were raining down on Jewish areas in Israel well before Oct 7th.

The left, and perhaps wicked men generally, project onto their opponents what they hope to do themselves.

In this case – eradicate Israel.

Ireland picking a side in that scrap has had an immediate effect – the disfavour of Israel and the compromise of Irish UN forces in the area – how can they be seen to be neutral now?

Did some local block-of-wood express ‘disappointment’ that Israel was withdrawing its Irish ambassador?

Only a fool makes enemies merely to signal virtue.

Michael Higgins was publicly seen at the graveside of a notorious leftist; a leftist who has been very influential intellectually. If people elect communists to power they should not be too surprised when they act like communists.

Christ said something like this: those who proclaim me I will proclaim to my father. Those who deny me I will deny to my father.

Very frightening words if you understand the implications.

If you want to find out what a person is really like just observe their behaviour with regards to money and where their money comes from.

Sex is the other one that reveals character. 

Another trick is how they behave towards their inferiors. A bit late for us all but if a woman is nasty to staff in shops and restaurants then you avoid her like the plague.

Many people think life is a matter of left versus right when in fact it is good versus evil and the opinions of the average person ultimately don’t matter very much, especially if they are merely ideological and ill- informed.

Identity politics is a nice little earner for a few and a nuisance and a burden for the many.

There is a theme amongst the outrages proposed by this (older) generation of clergy. Note there is no call to repentance.

Actually what they are doing is not just evil; it’s absurd.

Most interesting. The pro-Palestinian lobby accuses the Israelis of genocide when it was quite obviously the Palestinians who swarmed out of Gaza and attacked ordinary people going about their daily business.

Wikipedia mentions the so-called Proud Boys but does not mention Black Lives Matter or Antifa.

Proud boys is a silly name, they look strange, they may be a fake government front of pseudo-conservatives and I have not heard of them rioting. But I have heard plenty about Black Lives Matter and Antifa causing problems in the streets.

So the Wikipedia article itself is accusation-in-a-mirror in that section.

The left is constantly raving about fascists. I don’t personally know many, if any, who could be described as fascist but the left seems to sling wild accusations either deliberately as part of a cynical strategy or out of pure ignorance.

Tell anyone who leans left that if the revolution comes and is successful conservatives like yourself will be first up against a wall and leftists like them will be second; the glorious leader will not tolerate any dissent of any kind even from leftists who disagree with him on minor issues. He will get to power by violence and underhand methods and then will have to be afraid of anyone who might use such methods against him.

The classic example is Stalin’s disappearing comrades from the glorious revolution.

If you want to find out where peoples politics lie just mention the name is Donald Trump or Nigel Farage in a conversation and watch certain people’s eyes bulge 🙂

Another good one is that leftist parties are becoming fascist; they will tolerate major corporations and businesses but will try to control how those businesses operate and all power will lie ultimately with the party and it’s glorious leader. An example now is Communist China, where the state controls everyone and everything including taking organs from dissenters and if a businessman becomes annoying or embarrassing he disappears for a while.

One interesting feature of the assisted-dying debate in the UK was almost all the pictures in the media articles had white people in them.

Yes, it might simply be a middle-class, white person problem. They’ve had too much too easy for too long and now they want to get out of the agony of dying.

Probably the culture of the brown races is different or they simply find ways to dispose of granny without the authorities being alerted or involved.

In India their wives used to commit suicide after the death of the husband until the British put a stop to it.

There is also the possibility of tribal shame for doing something like that. My previous employer was a second generation Bengali and he told me that if your family did something dishonourable, especially in Bangladesh, they would all be ashamed within the clan.

The EU I think is not happy that Ireland is an offshore incorporation destination and that it offers lower corporation tax than other countries.

These are mediocre, censorious and tyrannical bureaucrats want to “level the playing field” in a sense of false charity, but in truth they are, I think, just resentful that persons, companies and other nations are successful.

They also feel guilty, perhaps, that they are successful and that there are people who are poor and unsuccessful on the planet and so to deal with this negative feeling they project outwards at others, even on their own nation, race and class.

It may also be an adolescent sense that “it’s not fair!”

The medical industry is an obvious choice for a Satanist to join, and the church is another obvious posting.

Arrogance is a characteristic of that persuasion and also there is a spiritual element in their openly declaring what they are doing.

If you go along with it you are culpable also; it’s not as effective if you are ignorant. Ultimately these people and their masters want to separate us from God.

Previous US and Irish referendum elections were probably bought by interested parties. It would be interesting to know who paid for what.

It would also be interesting to know how certain are politicians who are notorious have been funded, for example someone like Joe Biden.

If they have a small salary but own multiple mansions then the electorate have the right to demand to know where the money came from.

Word to the wise – if a government starts dipping into pension funds to keep itself going then economic collapse is not far off.

Another sign is that they forbid or try to get at peoples gold and silver, like what happened in America I think after the Great Depression; they forbade Americans to keep gold, which I think many ignored.

Britain’s finances are terrible. Ireland I think it’s probably kept going by tax revenue from corporations while still paying off a massive national debt incurred after the last recession?

I wonder how North Carolina currently is? What state it is in after the natural disaster it’s had?

It was very peculiar that the government authorities were actively trying to hamper independent local efforts to help the local people.

Even as a cynic I was surprised at that. But apparently it is Christian doctrine that the devil is literally in charge of this world, in its material aspect, until the apocalypse I suppose, so the government actually trying to harm or hinder its citizens is not so surprising, perhaps.

Paranoia may be actually a healthy outlook from now on.

Most embarrassing. But is it a ‘coincidence’ that this man is being investigated, because he brought a court case about forced accommodation of so-called asylum seekers?

We now know that the liberal left will pursue you on any faults they can find in your history; legal, financial, sexual and matters from years ago can suddenly become ‘news’ again. Donald Trump would be the most extreme example.

Still, it’s a good example of what can happen if you try to get to clever in business or politics. You leave a trail which can catch you out later.

Hopefully D. T. at the very least can help keep the ‘impuritans’ off our backs for four years.

New Labour in the UK is taxing farmers and small businesses which shouldn’t surprise anyone; the left has always hated property-owners but is ultimately dependent on private enterprise to pay taxes to support bureaucratic and nonworking elements in society – its core voters.

Assisted dying makes perfect sense. Each new hospital bed in Ireland costs £1m. There’s no sense in building more when there’s another way to remove the bed blockers and appear compassionate at the same time.

A generation ago we were short of mental hospital places so we decided the ‘compassionate’ thing to do was ‘care in the community’; giving token support to the families as they looked after the ill.

The clue for me is that they want to involve other people, in fact all of us in their sin. This suggests a Satanic motivation.

If you wanted to do away with yourself there’s no need to involve other people if you are still robust, or involve just one person if you are not.

My joke that you could just pay some local criminal five grand and he would probably do it for you. But I suppose that from a Christian perspective you don’t want to be giving people ideas.

I am half-joking but all you might need to do is just let it be known that you had torn a few pages of the Koran and then you wouldn’t have to pay anybody 🙂

How much do you bet that they will next bring in a rule that you have to specifically request not to be euthanised by the state, otherwise they will do it?

We are fools to let these clowns dictate how we live. Apart from the libertarian aspect they are in not as smart as they think they are.

If they were, and I could see that, I might defer to them.

But Simon Harris thought that there were 18 other iterations of COVID before COVID-19. That’s the end of it for me.

You have to be careful what you say in Britain, now. Very similar to Communist countries.

It began with Rock Against Racism and stopping racist football chants.

With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the obvious failure of communist countries the left had to find another way to Attack the society that sustains us all.

In Britain and Ireland people think that the government can solve all problems and so they give it more and more money and authority and still their problems persist or get worse. Unregulated immigration, High taxation, high inflation, over subscription to so-called free state services are causing hardship to many and the government is exacerbating the problems instead of solving them.

You’re a bigot if you don’t let your country be run into the ground.

Anyway at the moment it looks like Britain and Ireland are behind the curve. America has realised that matters are getting out of control. I don’t think Donald Trump by himself can easily get rid of embedded interests, but it’s a start.

What finishes regimes is war and economic problems, not political shifts in power, typically, I think.

It may very well be that they weren’t able to manufacture enough votes for her; I think the Republicans were able to better monitor voting in individual states. And the fact that they were making greater efforts probably scared the cheaters. They didn’t want to go to jail for Kamala.

It may be that the conspiracy theorists were right once again: the 2020 election was stolen, in which case the liberal left now can be entirely disregarded as a source of factual news.

The figure of 81 million votes for Joseph Biden was the number touted back then and I thought personally it was very high as there are only about 370 million people in America in total and that includes children.

Another piece of the puzzle is something Jordan Peterson said, which I paraphrase: every socialist thinks that their version of socialism will work even though all other attempts at enforcing socialism workably have failed. The average socialist is a petty dictator.

Like Mr Hitler 🙂

Imagine. They pushed the current president of the United States aside like he was a luader holding up the queue in a pub in Tallaght.

Trump was lucky, in a way. If the Democrats had fielded a normal, sensible, eloquent politician who wasn’t a radical on social issues then he might not have won.

But I guess the left is constantly throwing up extremists nowadays who, in catering to the fringes of society, alienate the mainstream.

We are lucky and should give thanks to God for at least four years, hopefully, of relatively normal politics in the West. Otherwise the killers waving the red flag would be advancing upon us all.

One less obvious reason for the pseudo-charitable promotion of mass immigration is that it depresses wages for the lower ranking members of society.

Cheap labour means a mediocre businessmen can make a very nice living.

I read that the default mode of government is kinship.

With taxation and increasing social control it can be argued that we are heading back towards a form of serfdom.

Funny how things work out, innit?

We have seen a darkening of the mind in the west end one could easily say it’s because the West is going post-Christian and devolving into paganism.

Paganism is simply worshiping whatever you like instead of doing what the one God, who has revealed Himself to us, has commanded us to do.

New age spiritualism and people who are asking in “the universe” to grant them favours are simply making a very old and spiritually dangerous error.

People who rejoice in modern wealth and comfort and who congratulate themselves on being enlightened don’t realise that it took 2025 years of christian striving to get us to this level and even now you can see signs of that slipping away.

Irrationality is being enacted in law. The time has now arrived perhaps for us not to take our would-be rulers seriously nor their enforcement agents i.e. the police. Especially when they come to force wicked and stupid laws.

There is an organisation in America called FEMA which is supposed to help people during natural disasters.

Quite a long time ago it turned into an organisation that hinders, suppresses, and confiscate goods from volunteers and local agencies who try to help people rendered homeless by natural disasters.

The reason is it has become an enforcement arm of the state and they are trying to see what they can get away with making people solely dependent on the state and no one else for their sustenance.

It only sounds crazy if you haven’t realised that we are living in Satanic societies nowadays which have abandoned Christianity and whose leaders are now constantly scrabbling for power and looking to overturn old freedoms so as to better control us, getting us to labour for them so as to to leech a percentage of our earnings from our sweat.

These people truly think they are better than us, more knowledgeable, and morally superior.

I have a friend in London and all I need to do to set him off is to mention the name Donald Trump. And this is a man who went to Oxbridge. He doesn’t know Trump’s history but he has made a judgement based on propaganda and he has thus a visceral dislike of a man who is an outgoing entrepreneur and not a neurotic academic.

In other news it’s damp but warm in London and you can see that autumn is here; the leaves are falling from the trees but it is by no means unpleasant.

We are having the same nonsense now they had in America with black gangsters being declared untouchable even if they are trying to ram their way out of a police cordon and having a long criminal history.

The Left have boxed them cells into a corner because of their peculiar form of tolerance; certain classes of people are near-untouchable and it does indicate who really rules over us.

It’s the Progressive Liberal Left Ascendancy at the moment.

I’ve seen some videos on YouTube which state flatly that in the entertainment industry there is a fair amount of occultism, that is to say satanism in all but name.

In that light the behaviour of some pop stars especially the more transgressive ones makes perfect if diabolical sense.

Our forefathers thought that going on stage, especially for a woman, was morally dangerous and now we can see why.

Predators abound in the entertainment industry and the entertainers themselves are percentagewise much more likely to be wicked than the general population.

I recommend you don’t put your picture anywhere in the internet now, because all they need is a picture of your face and better yet your whole body, and better yet also a snippet of your voice and they can make you do anything to be subject to ridicule.

I’ve also read now that AI can be used to impersonate your voice, call someone dear to you, tell that person you’re in trouble – that you, the scammer, needs some money.

Anyone who is wealthy or famous is probably going to be a target until they introduce copyright (and serious penalties) for use of your image and your voice which I don’t think exists at the moment (?)
Public figures may be valid subjects for ridicule because they have expose themselves to it for we private people I think we need to be a bit careful.

If you want to put an avatar on an internet page, use a site that creates avatars or caricatures of your face and use that instead.

I just glanced on Google and found out that the Irish used in the civil service and taught in schools is a standardised form of Irish, and thus what we need is a simplified form of the language because if what we were taught in school is standardised then there’s no hope really; the language is very complicated.

Someone needs to be brutal and produce a simplified form.

It’s simply there’s certain attitudes and opinions are the new blasphemy: you are now allowed to insult God and anything Catholic and you will not be punished for it but if you use certain words in public, especially in the UK, you may be jailed for it and you will certainly be investigated by the police.

Given the current state of policing in the UK, the fullness of the jails, and the liberality of our judges I think I could probably do quite a few burglaries before getting a custodial sentence.

We also noted that people who were involved in recent so-called right-wing protests and rather feeble riots, who did very little at said riots, got very long jail sentences , while criminals were recently let go from jail before their term was up because the jails are rather full and we now have neo-communists in power.

The only good thing about the current regime here is that neo-communists now had to deal with decades of economic mismanagement and it appears they have realised that they have very little to no money to play with.

Rishi Sunak, a Conservative prime minister, gave away tons of so-called free money during the imprisonment of the population in a lockdown which destroyed many small businesses I think and thus he did what communists typically do to in their societies.

During his reign the Labour party kept very quiet because he was doing what left-wing parties typically do – give away taxpayers money subsidised by state debt and destroy or hamper small and medium-sized businesses.

Apparently this super-hurricane in Florida is nothing of the kind, according to the quite, quite conservative website I am looking at at the moment. The media overhype these things; it’s like they want events to be more disastrous than they are. It’s quite annoying.

If you think of your society as a satanic one and not a Christian one any more what’s happening in West makes much more sense.

It’s not a fight between Left and Right, if it ever was: it’s between Good and Evil.

I call it the Islington tendency; it’s a place in London which is communist but wealthy and so they live in a dream-world of constant umbrage and no accountability.

The problem is when they get into positions of influence and their ideas don’t work out and the poor and the working-class have to pay for the consequences.

It’s a great pity blasphemy and vulgarity have been normalised in Ireland in a way they are not in the UK.

I don’t know why that is. We are always invoking the names of Jesus, Mary and God in an improper way and also using vulgar words commonly in our speech and the English don’t. I wonder why? I genuinely don’t know.

‘Though I remember when I was in Spain many years ago the people my age there they had some, or at least one, very bad curse phrase they used. So it may be a Catholic thing? Most odd.

They said “follow the science” like they were the high priests of true knowledge and you were just an ignoramus, and then we find out later that they don’t really know what they are talking about, and the ones that do know are keeping quiet to keep their jobs.

The next thing they will try to do is to manufacture a different crisis to create open-air prisons for the population, where are you can go to work and make money and most importantly pay taxes and earn just enough to keep you going to work and pay more taxes so they can continue to grift off of you.

The next crisis will probably be WW3 Or an alien invasion. They would be about the only things that would really scare people. There is also sequential climate emergencies but I think people are even getting calmer about responding to those as well.

So it will have to be something spectacular to exert global control over local populations again.

I call it the Islington tendency: virtue-signalling moralists seeking peer-approval by scolding everyone who doesn’t have identical politics to theirs.

I have a friend who is an Islington socialist. All I have to do to set him off is mention the names Donald Trump or Boris Johnson.

There is no reasoned debate; just harrumphing whatever the current hysteria has dictated to Karl Marx’s grandchildren.

It might be a development disability; people can get stuck in the infant or adolescent stages of their development.

The only other persons on this planet I can think of that behave this way are pubescent schoolgirls; if you are not in with the in crowd and are not powerful personally you can become fair game: “Let’s all gang up on Tina …”

Someone said something clever about American politics. They noticed that the leftist power bases were all in major cities and the rest of America, which is most of America in landmass terms, didn’t hold the same opinions.

Hence the electoral college.

The Irish Times is Ireland’s version of the U.K.’s Guardian newspaper: “why don’t you horrible backward Christian conservative fascists subscribe to our enlightened, destructive, Marxist ideas?”

If you add in the Protestantism of the founders of that paper then you understand the Irish Times perfectly. Plus it’s aimed at an urban readership; it has no idea really about rural Catholic patriotic Irishmen and women.